Silas Sphere of Transmutation I Keep Getting the Continuous Curing

  1. #1

    Ninjavitis is offline

    Stood in the Fire

    Silas' Sphere of Transmutation. What happened to those cauldrons in the world?

    I haven't seen one in days. Tuesday and Wednesday I could find them easily. Now, I've tried every location posted on wowhead and the locations I found myself,m and now it seems like they've just stopped existing. I tried looking at patchnotes, but I don't see any changes about them. If they got nerfed, I get it, but it would have been nice if they had at least posted some info about it.

  2. #2

    Dziubla is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral

    They were bugged at first, it was possible to somehow make them spawn insanely fast, people were exploiting them like mad (as usual). Yesterday a hotfix went live, that made them work the way they were supposed to work. In other words, no one really knows how. Though from what I noticed respawn seems to be about 5-6 minutes currently. Not sure if it's still possible for multiple people to use it, haven't really met anyone after the hotfix.

    If the future is female...get ready for apocalypse.

  3. #3

    Ninjavitis is offline

    Stood in the Fire

    I know initially the spawn time was about 5-6 minutes, at least while I was collecting them. I'm guessing now they made it so only a couple exist in the world at a time. If so, it's unfortunate, but I can't saw I'm surprised. Thanks for the info.

  4. #4

    ydraw is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjavitis View Post

    I know initially the spawn time was about 5-6 minutes, at least while I was collecting them. I'm guessing now they made it so only a couple exist in the world at a time. If so, it's unfortunate, but I can't saw I'm surprised. Thanks for the info.

    Yeah they have become much rarer. I was the only person on my server farming them the first day, they were always up, wherever you went. Now it seems that there's only a couple up in each zone at a time. Although hard to confirm this without multiple players testing

  5. #5

    Ninjavitis is offline

    Stood in the Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by ydraw View Post

    Yeah they have become much rarer. I was the only person on my server farming them the first day, they were always up, wherever you went. Now it seems that there's only a couple up in each zone at a time. Although hard to confirm this without multiple players testing

    And the spawn times or spawn mechanics have definitely changed as well. I sat and waited at a location where they spawned before, and one never appeared. I waited a good 20 or 30 minutes and nothing. So either they upped the timer by an incredible amount or only a couple are up at a time across the world, and others don't spawn unless the current ones are used.

  6. #6

    ydraw is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjavitis View Post

    And the spawn times or spawn mechanics have definitely changed as well. I sat and waited at a location where they spawned before, and one never appeared. I waited a good 20 or 30 minutes and nothing. So either they upped the timer by an incredible amount or only a couple are up at a time across the world, and others don't spawn unless the current ones are used.

    Yeah i think it is the 2nd thing. That is how herb/mine nodes work. If you camp a spawn point you're going to be waiting a long time. You have to go around checking them all.

  7. #7

    Schizoide is offline

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    They should be left up 100% of the time, controlled by a hidden quest so you can only see X per week. Making them actual rare spawns is just annoying.

  8. #8

    exochaft is offline

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    There are some bugs with the alchemy tool, or tooltip errors maybe. When I have the health potion version, I find cauldrons everywhere. If I have the crafting proc rate increase version, I never find cauldrons despite the tooltip indicating I would. Otherwise, I haven't noticed much of a difference in their spawn rate. Keep in mind, making the tool the first day is something the majority of the WoW population probably wouldn't do, so there's probably more people with the tool and looting cauldrons now.

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    ― Alexis de Tocqueville

  9. #9

    ydraw is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by exochaft View Post

    Keep in mind, making the tool the first day is something the majority of the WoW population probably wouldn't do, so there's probably more people with the tool and looting cauldrons now.

    I camped a spawn for over an hour and it never respawned. It's not that more people are looting them (although there are), it's that they've changed the way that they spawn.

  10. #10

    william124 is offline

    Banned william124's Avatar

    Yeah seems they have become much rarer

  11. #11

    Mistaziggla is offline

    Field Marshal

    I just barely got mine made, do these cauldrons show up on the mini map?

  12. #12

    quite an expert in wow is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistaziggla View Post

    I just barely got mine made, do these cauldrons show up on the mini map?

    No, I don't think so

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  13. #13

    Jester Joe is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by quite an expert in wow View Post

    No, I don't think so

    They do now.
    As a blueish gray node.

    Ran into a few while farming herbs two days ago.

  14. #14

    quite an expert in wow is offline

    Brewmaster quite an expert in wow's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Jester Joe View Post

    They do now.
    As a blueish gray node.

    Ran into a few while farming herbs two days ago.

    yeah, i saw it yesterday too

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  15. #15

    Polarthief is offline

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    ? I've still never even found one and I had the thing day 1. Big oof to me.

  16. #16

    FuxieDK is offline

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    Never seen one..

    But there is always one JC shrine up in every zone I visit..

  17. #17

    Orbitus is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistaziggla View Post

    I just barely got mine made, do these cauldrons show up on the mini map?

    Yes, they do. They show up like pet dots, at least for me using mostly default UI. - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Polarthief View Post

    ? I've still never even found one and I had the thing day 1. Big oof to me.

    I get about 5-6, sometimes more a day. But if you know where they are, it is easy to find them.

  18. #18

    FuxieDK is offline

    Immortal FuxieDK's Avatar

    I found my second last night: Portoin of Steelskin... ONE potion.
    The first I found, had a flask.. That's worth something atleast.

    So, two cauldron, since they were implemented... They are waaaaaay too rare. Not like the JC shrines that are always up and visible on the map.

  19. #19

    Schizoide is offline

    Titan Schizoide's Avatar

    Better than nothing; I have engineering and blacksmithing on my main and those tools are completely useless, as opposed to mostly useless. I only made them because I'm a completionist and wanted to see the quests.

  20. #20

    FuxieDK is offline

    Immortal FuxieDK's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Schizoide View Post

    Better than nothing; I have engineering and blacksmithing on my main and those tools are completely useless, as opposed to mostly useless. I only made them because I'm a completionist and wanted to see the quests.

    In v8.2 you'll be making tons of money with BS to peovide people with Mount Equipment..


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